Saturday, 23 January 2010

Phnom Penh

Day 87
Phnom Penh

Today we woke up early to catch our VIT bus to Phnom Penh. Tourist agency told us that VIP would give us water and snack, besides there will be toilet on the bus (which is important for long trips, like ours).

and the bus came to pick us up....

Besides air con, all "VIP" was a complete scam - no water, no toilet (was broken) :DD

In couple of hours bus stopped for a snack.

And this is our friend in Cambodia - Angkor beer (not as strong as Chang, but pretty good beer :-D

Bus has arrived to Phnom Penh and dropped us at the tourist agency, so we had to bargain with tuk tuk to take us to the area, where according to Lonely planet we could find budget accomodation.

We arrived to the Baeng Kak (Lake) area, which was the most desgusting place from all we have seen before haha It was a lake, which local authorities were drying in order to build some new houses there. In present it was half of the lake left and al budget hostels were situated on the other side (with water). The particularity of this place, that majority of places had toilets which basically were the direct tube to the lake. So people were staying on the lake and shitting in the lake (indirectly, but still :-D

After searching for decent accomodation, we found a guesthouse,with double rooms with fan for 5 USD (yea, not kidding, 3 euros/double room per night). After that, we decided to have some lunch and saw a place with "all you can eat" offer. In the end "all you can eat" was a tray with couple of different indian dishes, and you could not ask for more...they have decided for us, this is all you can eat haha

Later we decided to visit local night market and on the way picked up our new friend - Lian, american girl traveling around.

This is part of night market, where there are some mats on the ground and around you can buy snacks and drinks. People come here for a night snack with the families...the truth is we did not see many toursts here, which was pretty nice :-)

Around midnight we went back to the lake and decided to have a drink in a bar close to our hostel. "Buy one beer and get a free joing/shot" was written on the wall of the street bar (as you can see even menu had joint on the list for 2USD)

Since we are not really fond of joints, we decided to get free shot with our beer. And these guys are bartenders from the "Free joint bar" haha

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