16 July
Day 233: Train to Irkutsk
In the afternoon of 15 of July, Khongor guys droped us to the train station where we had to catch our train to Irkutsk. There are several types of Russian long distance train cars:
- Platzkart: the cheapest option for long distance trains. This car is similar to Malaysian or Chinese 2nd class trains - its an open space with no doors, like a moving dormitory :D
- Kupe: with a compartment for 4 people, with door - the more expensive car but way more comfortable then plazkart.
- First class kupe or LUKS, which is a compartment for 2 people, the most expensive one (even can be more expensive then a plane ticket)
Before getting the train, we decided to share a beer at the station, but policmen told us we can not drink it from the bottle, so we borrowed the tea cups from the bar :D
In our kupe there were two Norwegian guys, who also appeared to be CS-ers, Erik y Halvor.
In the neibhbour compartment (kupe) there was an Italian girl, Ella and 3 Russians: Radik and Polina with their friend Maxim. In the end all of us were sitting in the same room, drinking beer and vodka and chatting about everything.
We crossed the border and at Russian side (Naushki) went out for a walk (the train was stopping for around an hour at this station).
Norwegians got out of the train and started to work out just there on the ground. The train attendant (provodnitza) was shocked :DD
So speaking about provodnitza - she is a goddes of the train car. Every train cars in Russia have its own attendant, who can give you glasses for free, sell you some beers or give any information or help. Sometimes these women are extremely arrogant and unpolite, sometimes extremely sexy and flirty - depends on your luck :DD
Our first Provodnitza, Nastya, was really sweet and friendly :D
Juli was happy to find 1L Beer CAN in Russia - it was a good beggining of the trip :DD
And next day Juli was reading "War and Peace" by A. Tolstoy...probably in spirit of visiting Russia :D
Last night Maxim from the neighbour kupe (who is living in Moscow and studying to be movie director), was explaining me the details of Moscow nightlife.
I will post the description in a separate article and this will be the start of my “Russian chronicles” :D
tell me more about provodnitzas ;)