Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Chinatown and insect tasting

Day 56

This day we took all kind of local transport:
- Boat (public transportation on the river)
- Tuk-tuk (3 wheels covered motocycle)

- Taxi
- Train (sky train, public transport)
- Metro - subway

But before going to chinatown, we had a mission - to cut Juli's hair. Kao san road has plenty of hairdressers, but the result could be like the one on the picture...well, eventually it will grow back :P

We took the boat from the pier and headed to Chinatown, from our stop nr. 13 to stop nr.5.

Chinatown crazy area, was full of local markets, sellers and know as chinatown :-D

On the way we saw a buddist temple and monks praying.

And from there we took a tuk-tuk to the PatPong Night Market. Fist 3 tuk tuks we stoped asked for 200 baht, then we crossed the street and the first one asked 120 :-D Yep, sometimes in Bangkok you just need to cross the street to get better price :-D

We did not know that PatPong, besides the night market, had plenty of sex shows and "friendly girls". Of course we got an offer to attend a famous ping pong show, where girls could do all the below stuff with their pussies...yep, we decided may be next time :-D

Then tuk tuk again took us to the kao san road,where we met Natasha, Russian girl from couchsurfing, who was leaving in China and currently traveling in Bangkok.

In Khao san road, at night, you can find plenty of street bars, where beers and cocktails are made pretty fast and prices are cheaper then in the regular bar.

And these are BEER girls, a bit of advertising for Chang (our fetiche beer :D), Leo, Singha, San Miguel (spanish and filipine beer) and Heineken ;-D

And for those who did not find anything in Khao san road....they have some insects to try:

- For me a scorpion (yes, i ate it! doesn't taste good...actually doesn't taste anything)

- For Juli a warm...chicken taste

Ok, the day is finished and tomorrow we go to the ancient Thai capital - Ayutthaya!

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